If you’ll recall last summer, I suffered through took on a 30 day shop upgrade challenge.  It was hard.  You can check out my projects here and here.  I loved the result at the end, though, and have made other upgrades since then.  Since there is always room for improvement and one upgrade every month or so is way more doable, I’ve started a Shop Upgrade Series.

Periodically throughout the year I’ll be sharing with you some of my ongoing shop upgrades.  I’d like to commit to once a month but let’s be real with each other.  That may not happen.  Ha!  Most of the upgrades will be quick and easy or DIY.  Heck, they may even be both!  Let’s get to the first in the series.  It falls into the quick and easy category.

I get a lot of my shop inspirations from watching my maker friends.  They’re pretty smart.  I happened to see a post on Instagram from my friend Tim at Woodward Builds.  He showed a great way to corral latex gloves.  To let you know why this was my first upgrade, I’ll let you take a gander at this next picture.

Can you spot my gloves?

They’re right here:

I use these gloves a lot.  I can’t seem to stain or paint anything without getting it all over my hands.  That box always gets moved around because that spot isn’t the best place to access them.  Sometimes this means spending too much time looking for them.  After seeing Tim’s post, I knew I had to copy it so I could easily access the gloves and would always know where they were.  If you’ve been to a doctor’s office or hospital, you can probably guess what I did.

I got a glove box holder!  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of this before since I see these things all the time!  Since I’m an Amazon addict, I looked there first and found this simple holder (affiliate).  Prices fluctuate on Amazon constantly but at the time of this post, it’s only $11 and is Prime eligible.  Let’s all take a moment to give thanks for Amazon Prime.

Anyway, my biggest hurdle for this upgrade was where to install the holder.  I don’t have a lot of empty wall space, especially that is easily accessible.  After looking around a bit, I found the spot.

The pegboard above my freezer/workbench had a bare space that was perfect.  The holes on the board didn’t line up with the holes on the holder but they did line up with the spaces next to the holes.  I put in a couple hooks and hung the holder.  The holder does come with screws and anchors so it can be attached to a wall or other surface.

The easiest step of all was to put in the box of gloves.

I’m so happy to have this little upgrade!  It took all of five minutes but it makes a big difference.

Stay tuned for more posts in the Shop Upgrade Series!

What are some the problem areas in your garage?  What upgrades would help you be more efficient?

One Reply to “Shop Upgrade Series – Gloves”

  1. Great Post and a really really great upgrade. So cheap and simple. It’s probably one of my favorite little things about my shop. And I’m not even gonna lie… I do kinda feel like a Doc preparing for surgery when I grab gloves out! 🤣

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