Isn’t it funny how one project often leads to another?  Okay, I’ll admit, sometimes it’s not so funny once you get down to the work.  But ideas are great!  The last project I shared with you spurred a new one that was never even on the radar.

Remember the last project?

With the new wall in place, I needed to find another home for the gorgeous mosaic that a friend made.

The only free space I had left was in my master bathroom.  I’d been wanting to change up the space for some time so this was a perfect opportunity.  I shared the current state of my bathroom a couple months ago when I shared the peel and stick tile. (The tile is still holding up well, by the way.)

What you can’t see next to the towel bar is a big open space until you get to the door.  That’s where I was going to put the mosaic but everything would have been offset and I just couldn’t have that.  While I was pondering how to tackle this space, I all of a sudden decided that I hated that towel bar.  Never had a problem with before but now it had to go.  It’s silly, really, but it happens.  Oh, I also hated the hand towel ring that’s not pictured.  It wasn’t even near the sink!  It was several feet away!  I mean, who does that? It had to go, too.  So, the question became what do I put in its place?  While I tried to figure that out, I removed the towel bars, patched the giant anchor holes, and repainted the wall.

I looked on Pinterest to see if I could find something I liked.  I found a few aspects here and there that fit the bill but nothing really struck my fancy.  All that searching did, however, help me figure out what I did want to make.  It’s super simple and the dry time will take you longer than the build time.  All of the following directions are for two towel hooks.

I started with a premium pine (they’re a bit more expensive than regular builder’s pine but it’s higher quality and usually has no knots) 1×12 in a four foot length and two premium pine 1x2s in an eight foot length.  I cut the 1×12 into two 22” long pieces.  The 1x2s were cut into four 22” pieces and four 8 ¼” pieces.

To complete the towel hooks, I bought two wall hanging baskets and a package of metal hooks.

For the assembly process, I started by sanding and staining all the boards separately.  I do them separately because that ensures I cover everything that could possibly be visible when it’s all put together, including in the cracks.  It just so much easier this way.  All of the other wood tones in my bathroom are dark brown so I chose Rustoleum (or Varathane depending on where you buy it) Kona to stain my boards.

After the stain was dry, I assembled the pieces.  I used super glue on the 1x2s and used 1” brad nails to hold them in place on the back edges of the 1x12s.


In case you’re wondering why I chose to add the 1x2s instead of just hanging up the 1×12, let me explain.  I didn’t feel that the 1×12 on its own would look as polished and substantial enough.  I also wanted it to sit flush against the wall after the hanging hardware was attached.  By adding the 1x2s, it made the base for the hooks a little thicker and left a hollow space on the back to recess the hanging hardware into.

Once all the 1x2s were attached, I used a spray poly to protect the finish.

I purchased these baskets from Amazon.

I already had the hooks on hand from another project but these are the ones I ordered, also from Amazon. They’re a perfect rustic/industrial/farmhouse wire hook at an inexpensive price.

I held the basket and hook up to each board where I wanted them and marked the holes with a pencil.

I pre-drilled the holes then attached the pieces with the screws that came with them.  The 1×12 is wide enough to add two hooks if you wished.

I attached a D ring hanger to the back of both towel hooks/baskets to hang them on the wall.

I centered the mosaic on the wall then centered both towel hooks/baskets on each side of the mosaic, both vertically and horizontally.

Since I removed the hand towel ring on another wall, I’m using one hook to hold a bath towel with wash rags in the basket and the other for hand towels with more hand towels in the basket.

Oh, by the way, I updated all of the colors to match the mosaic.  The mosaic wouldn’t have looked very nice with all the red.  See?  One project leads to another…

I’m so happy with this super simple and super quick project.  Out with the towel bars!  Unless, of course, you like them.  Then you should keep them.

There are only a few more upgrades to this bathroom then it’s officially done and no longer builder grade.  I can’t wait.