Can you guys believe it’s already February?!  Didn’t we JUST have New Year’s??  I guess since we’re already a month into 2018, it’s time to look back at January to see what I’ve been up to.

A lot of the things I do may never make it to the blog as a full-fledged post on its own but it’s always fun to look back at what was accomplished.  This also helps to see that, yes, I did in fact accomplish things over the last month. Ha!

One of my biggest goals this year is to have a bigger focus on creating content for my blog as well as creating other social media content but I still take orders for customers.  I’ve been doing a lot of behind the scenes work to make plans for future posts, videos, and projects.

Here are a few orders I created last month.  Some of them served double duty by giving me ideas for future posts.

I don’t think I can express how much I love this flag.   This turned out so well it has launched a new line of distressed flags for me.  The flag has turned out to be so popular that there are definitely more in the works and I’ll even be sharing with you just how I did it!

This sign was kind of a happy accident.  I had intentions of making it look weathered and rustic but it turned out so much better than planned and the way it happened was purely accidental.  The technique I used was so fun and easy.  Be on the lookout for a post showing how I did that as well!

Due to how my schedule works out, I really only have time for one large build each month.  These bookcases were my large build for January.  These were custom built for two little boys in their favorite colors.  I got to get in more practice with my HomeRight Finish Max paint sprayer (affiliate) on these.  The sprayer is so easy to use and it made painting these much faster than using a brush and roller.

The final completed project for January is one I’m really proud of.  I am by no means an artist.  My drawings are no better than most kindergarten students’.  When I was asked to make a challenge coin holder featuring the logo of the Oklahoma City fire department, I was a little intimidated but I took it on anyway.  Thankfully, I got it figured out and it turned out amazing.  Yes, I’m tooting my own horn but I don’t even care.  Just look at it!

That background really makes it stand out, doesn’t it?  Despite how great the setup is, this is what life looks like behind the camera…

Let me take you on a tour.  On the far left of the picture, you see my ironing board.  No, it doesn’t have anything to do with the picture taking.  I just didn’t put it away.  In fact, it’s still sitting out.  Next to the ironing board, you will see my “photo studio”.  It’s top of the line.  Here’s where I got my backdrop (affiliate).  You will find my “finishing room” in the middle of my floor.  Illuminating the space is my shop/photography light.  Just kidding.  It’s totally just a shop light.  I didn’t feel at all like setting up my real photography lights.  The rest of the picture show the random mess that I shoved out of the way.

Last month I started up my blog again after an unintended hiatus.  I shared about my goals for the year, started my Shop Upgrade Series, and told you how I rectified a stain disaster.

For February, I already have quite the task list and a short time to get it done.  Have any of you ever played this game?

It goes by several different names, maybe the most common being Wahoo, but I’ll be recreating it.  Maybe I’ll even learn how to play it while I’m at it.

I have two big-ish projects planned for the month.  I’d love to get both done but that may not be possible with some other things I have scheduled.  So next month you may be seeing either a furniture piece for an upcoming new endeavor for myself or an update to my entryway.  Either way, it will be a good time. Here’s a sneak peek at what I’m thinking.


Which one would you like to see first?

And because it wouldn’t be a complete recap of the past month without a picture of at least one of the dogs, here’s Big Dog in his happy place.

Despite being almost nine years old, he has all the energy and rambunctiousness of a puppy.  When he’s in the garage, he’s so chill and relaxed.  The noise, the sawdust, the cold concrete floor…he loves it all.

What did you accomplish for January?  Anything fun planned for February?

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