We’re one month closer to a new year!  It’s hard to believe were inching in on Fall.  Like always, August was full of projects.  There weren’t any fun life events this month to speak of so we’ll jump in to what I accomplished over the month in the world of 7MD.

First, let’s start out with this sign (prepare for own horn tooting) that I think is just awesome.  It seriously couldn’t have turned out any better.  From the scroll saw cut letters, to the metal, to the distressing, it’s dang near perfect.  And I don’t say that often about my work.  I shared with you on the blog how the technique I used on this sign to distress it.  Be sure to check it out if you missed it.  It fun because you get to burn things!

Next up was a martial arts belt display.  I came across a picture of a similar display another maker friend had made so I contacted a friend into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and asked if he had a need for such a contraption.  Obviously, he said yes!  I was supposed to be cleaning my shop up instead of making this but this was way more fun than cleaning.

My friend requested Army green with a distressed look and a place to hang his medals.  I used the same technique on this belt display that I used on my logo sign to distress it.  It was a fun little project.  If you would like to see the original post that inspired this, head on over to The Handyman’s Daughter and see what Vineta did!

More cutting boards!  I’m pretty sure these may make a monthly appearance in my recap posts because they seriously are addicting to make.  This one was made out of walnut, purple heart, and marble wood.  It’s just so pretty.

Another project I’m in love with was the rustic laundry cart.  Using PVC in place of iron, I reduced the cost of the cart while maintaining the same look.  Plus, check out those cute casters!  They are the perfect addition.  You can find all of the details here.

Remember that marble game board I talked about needing to get done in like January or February??  Well, I FINALLY got it done!  And not just one, but two!  These ended up being ridiculously easy to do but I kept putting it off because I just wasn’t sure I could pull it off.  Now I’ll I need to do is actually learn how to play it.

I had a woodworker friend send me a big box of walnut scraps so that he could clean out his garage and make his wife happy that part of the mess was gone.  I’ve already worked my way through about half of the box (you’ll see more of the projects from it next month) and it’s been quite fun.  There was a super pretty piece full of figure and color and it was the perfect size to cut out some book page holders from.  There are definitely more of these in my future!

These are the highlights of my work from the last month.  If you want to keep up with all of my projects, be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook!

Oh!  I almost forgot the most exciting part.  Well, more so exciting for me.  By the time this month ends, I will officially be done with all custom orders on my to do list.  I can’t remember if I mentioned it before but back in June, I decided that I would no longer be actively taking on custom orders through at least the end of the year.  This is because I really needed a break and an opportunity to work on my own projects.  It can get pretty tough to work full time then come home to work full time and then some on my days off and the hours in between work while still trying to maintain a balanced personal life.  This isn’t to say that you won’t be hearing from me.  Believe me, there are lots of ideas swimming around in my head just waiting to come out.  And just maybe I’ll take on a few select orders on occasion if it fits in with my schedule.  I’m really looking forward to this next phase of 7MD.  I hope to be able to develop more content for you all and explore other medias and better ways to share it.

Are there any particular projects you’d like to see from me in the coming months?  I’d love to hear from you and incorporate your ideas!