I tell you all what…February was SHORT!  I get that it’s the shortest month of the year but it seems like it just flew by.  Thanks to a couple work events, a bit of illness, and a mini vacation, I had quite a bit of time away from 7MD stuff.  Those things I told you last month I hoped to get to…it didn’t happen.  Fingers crossed for next month. Ha!

I started out the month battling some allergies that took me out.  Thankfully it wasn’t the flu but I sure could have done without.  However, the best thing happened.  My friend Tiff from Staying Inside the Gray had some Chick-Fil-A chicken soup delivered to me.  ALL THE WAY FROM CALIFORNIA!  Okay, the soup was made here but she was in California when it was ordered.

Tiff is just the best! And the soup was so good!

I took a mini vacation to a city a couple hours from me.  Nothing special was planned other than getting some good food and going to some stores I don’t have near me, namely Menard’s.  I had never had the opportunity to shop in a Menard’s before and y’all, it was like Amazon in the flesh.  There was so much random stuff!  I barely made it 50 feet inside the store before I started loading my cart.  I’ll spare you all of the pictures I took but, suffice it to say, I got a lot of inspiration while there for upcoming projects.  Oh yeah, I spent way too much.  After Menard’s was something equally important – FOOD!  Anytime I make it to Wichita, KS, I have to stop at The Anchor.  The food is fantastic and I’ve loved everything I’ve tried.  A must order is the poutine.

If you aren’t familiar with it, Poutine is essentially fries, brown gravy, and cheese curds.  It. Is. Amazing.  It’s hard to come by around this part of the country but I have to order it anytime I find it.  I also found a brewery/restaurant called Wichita Brewing Company.  The main fair is craft pizza and beer and it was all fantastic.  I’ll definitely be going back there.

You may be wondering at this point if I actually got anything accomplished with 7MD.  There were a few things.  It’s been a goal to make more content for YouTube so I filmed a few short videos.  I finally shared an official welcome video and one was posted  for my Shop Tip Tuesday Series.

The others still need to be edited (I’m still working on my editing skills) and will be posted in the coming months.  I also shared with you how I made a reusable stencil for less than a $1 with my vinyl cutter.

I was only able to complete a few smaller projects this month.  A couple of them definitely had a theme.  I made another distressed flag with a Thin Red Line as well as another flag challenge coin holder for an awards banquet.

I had the honor of being a guest on my first podcast.  Donny with The Green Woodworker Podcast invited me on and it was such a fun time!  Donny is such a gracious host and made it so easy.  Be sure to check out his podcast and add my episode to your list.

We’re not done just yet!  I have one more thing to add.  I’m about to get a whole lot busier and my phone is going to get filled with a lot more pictures.  I have a love a cooking and sharing food (as evidenced by some pictures above) so I thought long and hard about – I’m talking about a total of an hour or two – and decided to start a second blog focusing on cooking and food.  The name is Just Bring Ice.

You can currently start following Just Bring Ice on Instagram and Facebook.  The official logo and website are still in the works but it’s coming soon and I couldn’t be more excited about it!

Thanks for sticking around for the February look back.  I’m really hoping to knock out a lot of projects next month and make these ideas in my head a reality.  We shall see!